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We see a 1964 Pontiac GTO driving on the road with a couple of moving vans behind it.

Little Boy's Voice: How much further?



We see a man with black hair and blue eyes wearing a white shirt with black tie, blue pants, and black shoes in the driver's seat, a lady with brown hair and blue eyes and is wearing a purple shirt with white pants and white high heels in the passenger seat, and an 11-year-old boy with brown hair, blue eyes, and buck teeth and is wearing a pink hat which matched his shirt, blue pants and shoes in the back seat.

Brown Haired Woman: Well, we should be there in less than half than hour.

Brown Haired Boy: I hope our new house there will be close to the beach.

Black Haired Man: Well, son, when we get there, you may like your new room.

Brown Haired Boy: Not to mention some good old surfing.

Brown Haired Woman: Something tells me all those surfing lessons paid off.

Black Haired Man: I just hope you don't wipeout.

They all laughed at that remark.

Brown Haired Boy (narrating): Life seems to change once you move to a town, but it changes for every kid's life. My name is: Timmy Turner and I'm a surfer. And I bet you're all wondering why my parents and I are moving, well they took some job offers in the town were moving and in order for them to work there, we got to move there. I may make some new friends there and I already miss my old friends back at my old town: Wagstaff. I remember the last day of school before summer started.



Timmy (narrating): There's a last day of school party down in the gymnasium...



Timmy (narrating): ...and all the students and teachers were there.

We see a lot of kids and adults in the gym and a lady with blonde hair and wearing a blue principal suit walking up to a podium with a microphone.

Blonde Hair Lady (to the kids): Good Afternoon, students.

All the Kids: Good Afternoon, Miss Kennelly.

1 student: Hi Mom.

Mrs. Kennelly: Hey, T.D.

The student was a boy with blonde hair and is wearing a light blue t-shirt with the sleeves being purple and it has a picture of a tomato on it.

Timmy (narrating): That's T.D. Kennelly, he's the vice principal's son and 1 of my friends in Wagstaff.

Mrs. Kennelly: Well, students, today is the last day of school, and I just want to tell the students who are graduating this year, that I hope your years at Wagstaff Elementary will prepare you for the challenges you face.

We now see a brown hair lady wearing glasses, a blue sweater, brown skirt, and black high heels.

Brown Hair Lady (to Mrs. Kennelly): You got that line from Grease, did you, Janice?

Janice: Yes, I have.

Timmy (narrating): That lady who just asked Mrs. Kennelly the Grease question is my teacher I had that year, Mrs. Clusky. She taught everything about history and science, just to name a few. And Janice is the first name of Mrs. Kennelly.

Janice (to the students): And the rest of you students I will miss you during the summer, but I will see back here in September.

The students clapped their hands.

Janice: However, I am sad to say that 1 of our students will not be coming back here in September and that student is our very own: Timmy Turner.

All the Students expect Timmy: Awwwwww!

Janice: Yes, his parents got job offerings in a new town and they're gonna be moving there in 2 weeks, so this party is also our goodbye party for him, and I think I should let Timmy come up here and say some words.

Timmy then smiled.

Janice (to Timmy): So, do you have anything to say?

Timmy: I sure do, Mrs. Kennelly.

He got out of his seat and went up stage.

Janice (handing Timmy the microphone): Here you go.

Timmy: Thanks.

He went up to the podium.

Timmy (speaking into the mike): Students and Faculty, I just want to say that it's been a great time here at Wagstaff Elementary School and I'm gonna miss it a lot. First, I want to thank Mrs. Janice Kennelly for all her loyally.

Janice smiled.

Timmy (speaking into the mike): And Mrs. Clusky for her teachings during this semester.

Mrs. Clusky smiled.

Mrs. Clusky: Thank You, Timmy.

Timmy: And now I'll say some words to my friends for all the years I was at Wagstaff, first to Helen Lorraine, who was always the voice of reason.

We see a 10 year old girl with red, short, and ruffed hair and wearing a long-sleeved magenta sweater, striped skirt, tights, and burgundy shoes smiling in the audience.

Timmy (to Helen): Helen, you are a good artist and a loving and caring friend, you taught me how draw pretty good, and I'm gonna miss all the times we all spent at the lake swimming and spending times with Martha.

Helen: Yeah, Timmy, and I know Martha will miss you the most.

Timmy: To the vice principal's son: T.D.

T.D.: That's me.

Timmy (to T.D.): T.D., I always loved your sense of humor and the times we spent at your Uncle C.K.'s farm.

T.D.: Yeah, and the 1 time me, Dad, Martha, and you help catch a gopher eating the crops.

Timmy: I even remember the time you bought a tree that grew steaks.

T.D.: But really didn't work.

Timmy: And you had to buy some steak and put them on the tree, so you wouldn't be humiliated in front of us.

T.D.: Yeah.

Timmy: But I can't blame you.

T.D.: No, blame Weaselgraft and Pablum.

Timmy: Exactly.

Everybody in the gym laughed.

Helen: Those guys never learn.

Timmy: No, they don't.

T.D.: And I know they're always trying to steal Martha.

Timmy: Yes, they are.

Helen: But enough talk about them.

Timmy: You're right, Helen, I got more thank yous to give. Alice although you had ill-luck in your birthday parties, I always had a good time at them.

We see a girl with blonde hair curled up in a ponytail and wearing glasses, a green shirt with a blude stripe running across the center, blue shorts, and white shoes.

Alice: Thanks, Timmy.

Timmy: And I hope ballet lessons for you paid off.

Alice: I am getting the hang of them.

Timmy: To Helen's cousin: Carolina, you are good on fashion advice.

We see a Hispanic girl with dark brown hair and wearing pink earrings, pink shirt, blue skirt with white flowers at the bottom, and pink shoes.

Carolina: Gracias, Timmy.

Timmy: Truman, you were always there to help with my reading.

We see an african-america boy wearing a light blue shirt with blue vest with 3 dark blue diamonds on it, tan pants, and blue and white shoes.

Truman: And you were always there to get rid of any bugs.

Timmy: I know bugs really creep you out.

Truman: That they do.

Timmy: And finally Milo, you are best second grade friend, I'd ever had here at Wagstaff Elementary.

We see a 7 year old boy with black hair and wearing glasses, a blue long-sleeved shirt with a white collar, tan pants, and blue shoes.

Milo: Thanks, Timmy, and you, Helen, T.D., Alice, Caroline, and Truman are the best older friends I ever had.

Timmy: Thanks. And it's been great being here at Wagstaff all these years, I will miss this school very much, a lot. Thank You All.

The students and faculty clapped their hands and Janice went back to the podium.

Janice: Thank you, Timmy, and now everybody help yourself to the refreshment table.

The students got out of their seats and to the refreshment table.



We see the students and teachers having some delicious food and drinks.

Timmy (narrating): It was a great last day of school party.

We see Timmy eating a cookie and drinking a cup of punch.

Timmy (narrating): There were people I was gonna miss and some people I'm not gonna miss.

Just then, Timmy saw a man with black hair and ears on his neck and wearing glasses, a white shirt, black tie, dark blue pants, and shoes glaceing at him.

Timmy (rolling his eyes): Oh, brother.

Helen, T.D., Alice, Carolina, Truman, Milo, Janice, and Miss Clusky came up to Timmy.

Helen (to Timmy): Hey, Timmy, what's up?

Timmy: He's looking at me again.

Janice: Crocker?

Timmy: Crocker.

Helen, T.D., Alice, Carolina, Truman, Milo, Janice, and Miss Clusky saw Crocker staring at Timmy.

Carolina: Aye, he never gives up, does he.

Timmy: No, he doesn't.

Miss Clusky: He's still trying to find out if you have mystical friends.

Janice: And I don't know why he's giving his students Fs.

Alice: Maybe it's his favorite letter.

T.D.: He's worse than Weaselgraft.

Truman: And more worst than Palbum.

Helen: Come on, let's find another place, so he won't barrow us.

Milo: Good idea.

They all walked to another spot in the gym.

Crocker (to himself): I know Turner has a mystical creature on him.

Timmy, Helen, T.D., Alice, Carolina, Truman, Milo, Janice, and Miss Clusky were now under a basketball hoop.

Miss Clusky: Well, this is more private place to talk.

Timmy (to Helen): I'm sorry, Martha couldn't come to the party.

Helen: I know, the janitor won't let her in the school.

Carolina: She was in the school 1 night to help Helen with a play.

Helen (to her cousin): She helped you too when you got stage fright.

Carolina: Yes, I remember that.

T.D.: And she was in the school to help me get a drawing back.

Miss Clusky: And she substituted for me once.

Timmy: I remember that.

Janice: And I did my impression of Courageous Collie Carlo that day.

Everyone laughed expect T.D. who just rolled his eyes.

T.D.: Oh, man.

Janice: Oh, sorry, T.D.

Timmy: I know Martha's gonna miss me the most.

Helen: I know she is.

Alice (to Timmy): So, when are you moving?

Timmy: First thing on the Monday before the first day of summer.

Truman: Things won't be the same without you.

Carolina: We're gonna miss you, Timmy.

Timmy: I'm gonna miss you guys too, but I know you got my new address.

Helen: Of course.

Alice: You did gave it to us after all.

Janice: And we will come and visit you and your parents.

Timmy: And vice versa.

They all did a group hug.

Timmy (narrating): Helen, T.D., Alice, Carolina, Truman were my friends since kindergarten and I'm gonna miss them.



Mrs. Turner (to Timmy): Timmy, you awake.

Timmy: Yeah, I was just thinking about the last day of school last week.

Mr. Turner: It must have been some party.

Timmy: Yeah, it was.

Mrs. Turner: And I know Martha must be missing you right now.

Turner (narrating): For those of you who don't know who Martha is, we're about to flashback to a few moments ago.



We see the Turners packing up their cars when The Lorraines, The Kennellys, The Boxwoods, The Oatleys, Carolina, Milo and his dad named: Terrence came up to them. Mrs. Lorraine was holding a little baby.

Mrs. Turner (to the family): Well, look who came to say goodbye.

Mrs. Lorraine (to Mrs. Turner): Do you have the farewell flowers I gave you?

Mrs. Turner: Why yes, Mariella.

Mrs. Turner showed everybody some flowers in a pitcher of water.

Mrs. Turner: You keep the florist running.

Mariella: I will.

Timmy (to Helen): Is Martha here to say goodbye?

Helen: She's right here, along with Skits.

We see a yellow dog and a brown dog, both mixed breed come up to Timmy.

Timmy (narrating): That's right, folks, Martha is a dog, and the dog next to her is Skits, her little brother. And I'll tell you right now, Martha is not your average dog.

Mr. Turner (to Timmy and the families): We'll let you say your goodbyes while we get the car packed.

Timmy: Thanks, Dad. (to Martha) Martha, you and Skits were my 2 favorite dogs in Wagstaff.

Martha (suddenly spoke): Aw, Timmy, that's the sweetest thing you ever told us.

She went up to Timmy and gave him a few kisses.

Timmy: Aw!

Timmy (narrating): I told you, Martha isn't your average dog, she can talk, you know how she can talk? I'll tell you. 1 day, Martha ate some alphabet soup and on the way to her stomach, the letters lost their way and went into her brain and now she can speak. Now don't try feeding your dog alphabet soup to see if it'll make him or her talk, it wouldn't work, unless your dog happens to be a cartoon.

Skit barked.

Timmy (to Martha): What did Skit say?

Martha: He said he's gonna miss you too.

Timmy (to Skits): Thanks, Skits, I know your sister can understand you. She can speak human, dog, and other animals expect monkey.

Martha: But I did had the giraffe from the zoo translate what Professor Monkey was saying when we had to get his directions back from Bob.

Suddenly we hear a dog barking.

Timmy: Speak of the devil.

We see a dark brown mean dog barking at whatsoever.

Timmy: He is always barking at something.

Martha: Yeah, but he's gently sometimes.

Mr. Lorraine (to Timmy): I know some people you won't miss.

Timmy: You're right, Daniel, and I'm looking 1 of them right now.

We see a teenage girl with red hair and pink eyes and wearing a green midriff shirt, black pants, and shoes jumped out of noway, screamed at some kids, and they ran away screaming. The teenage girl laughed.

Timmy (narrating): That's Vicky, my evil babysitter, whenever my parents go out, they ask her to babysit me. They don't know how evil she is.

Baby: Icky.

The baby stick his tongue out.

Timmy (to the Baby): You're right, Jake, she is icky with a V.

Daniel (to Timmy): I don't know what your parents see in her.

Timmy: Me neither.

Alice (sees somebody else): And I don't why my jerk brother likes her.

We see a teenage boy with blonde hair and wearing a blue t-shirt, green pants, and brown shoes come up to Vicky.

Timmy (narrating): That's Alice's older brother: Ronald and he's Vicky's boyfriend. His favorite activity is annoying us and his sister.

Mrs. Boxwood: I disapprove of her.

Mr. Boxwood: So do I.

Mrs. Oatley: If I ever have some assistants at the daycare, I won't hire her.

Mr. Oatley (to Timmy): I hope you'll get a nicer babysitter at your new town.

Timmy: Me too, Mr. Oatley, me too.

Old Lady's Voice: Sign a petition to ban swimming.

Timmy (seeing the lady): There's another person I'm not gonna miss and my parents aren't gonna miss her either.

We see an old lady trying to get people to sign some petitions.

Timmy (narrating): That's Mrs. Eulah Demson, the neighborhood grouch. She's often grumpy, selfish, conniving, and often intolerant of others' actives and she can barely stand Martha. Last summer, her petition to ban fireworks was signed and believe it or not, Martha was 1 of the signers, but I don't blame her because fireworks really creep dogs out.

Martha: Boy, I remember last summer when I almost ruined it.

Helen: I know, but then the banned on fireworks wasn't pass after they found out who you are.

Timmy (narrating): That's right, the petition wasn't passed because they found out Martha was a dog and dogs can't vote.

Mr. Kennelly (to Timmy): If you meet any inventor like me, you let me know.

Timmy: I will, O.C.

Timmy (narrating): T.D.'s dad is quite the inventor.

Martha (to Timmy): Just to let you know, our buddy Kazuo lives in the town your moving to.

Timmy: Yeah, I remember you telling me about him.

Daniel: He used to be the supervisor at the animal shelter here, but had to move to that town's animal shelter after the supervisor there retired.

Timmy: If I ever bump into him, I'll tell him you said hi.

Martha: We appreciate that, Timmy.

Timmy (to T.D.): When you and the others do get a chance to visit us, you should bring your cousin: C.D.

T.D.: I'd bet he'd like to come with us.

Helen: He and Martha have a close bond.

Martha: Yeah, although it started out when he was a doggie lover.

They all laughed.

Mrs. Turner (calling to Timmy): Timmy, we're all packed, time to go.

Timmy: Okay, Mom. (to Martha and the families) Well, this is it.

Carolina: We're gonna miss you, Timmy.

Timmy: I'm gonna miss you guys too.

They all gave Timmy a group hug when suddenly...

Female voice: Wait.

We see a girl with blonde hair and wearing a heart-necklace, a light blue blouse, blue pants, white socks, and black mary-jane shoes running towards the group.

Timmy: Tiffany.

Timmy (narrating): That's Tiffany Blasky, she's shown to be obsessed with winning everything and she has a pool party once a year.

She ran up to Timmy.

Tiffany: Timmy, I can't let you leave, not without giving you this first.

She gave Timmy a great big hug.

Tiffany: This is thanks for coming to my pool parties every year.

Timmy: Thanks, Tiffany, I'm gonna miss your pool parties.

Tiffany: If you and your family ever have 1, be sure to invite me.

Timmy: Hey, I'll invite all of you.

Mr. Turner (to Timmy): Hey, son, you coming or not?

Timmy: Be right with you. (to Martha and the families, and Tiffany) Well, so long.

The Turners' neighbors (in unison): Bye.

Timmy walked to the family car, opened the door to the back seat, got in, and drove off.
Timmy rolled down the window, waved goodbye to his friends, and they waved goodbye back.



Mr. Turner: We're here.



We see a sign that says “Welcome to Sunlight Shores”.

Timmy (narrating): This is the place, Sunlight Shores, a beach town almost as sunny as Florida.

The car passed the sign.



Timmy looked over the window.

Timmy: I think I see the ocean.

What Timmy saw was an ocean.

Mrs. Turner: And our new house won't be too far from the beach.

Mr. Turner: And we'll be close to ocean too.

Timmy: We will?

Mrs. Turner: Yes, because our new house will have a private view of the ocean.

Timmy: Cool.

Timmy took another view of the ocean and saw some big waves, but didn't see anybody surfing.

Timmy: That's funny, I don't see anybody surfing.

Mrs. Turner: Why do you say that?

Timmy: Well, I see big waves, but no surfers.

Mrs. Turner looked at the waves.

Mrs. Turner: You're right, they're big waves, but no surfers.

Mr. Turner: They must be taking a break.

Timmy: You think?

Mrs. Turner: Yes, son, surfers do need to take a break from the waves at times.

Timmy: Hm, I guess you're right.



We see the Turner's car drive up a driveway of a house and parked.

Mr. Turner (voice): Here we are.

The Turners got out of the car.

Timmy (looking at the house): Looks neat.

Mrs. Turner (sees something): And here comes the moving vans.

Indeed, moving vans came up to the house.

Mr. Turner: We better help them unload our stuff.

Mrs. Turner: Good idea.



We see the Turners coming up stairs holding boxes.

Mrs. Turner: Well here are our sleeping quarters.

Timmy: Which 1's my room?

Mr. Turner (pointing to a door): Right there.



We see Timmy's new room has his bed setup by the movers as well as his desk and there are boxes of stuff in there too. The door opened and Timmy went inside.

Timmy: Looks a little bigger than my old room.

Mrs. Turner: You've got more space too.

Timmy went over to the window.

Timmy: And a great view of the ocean too.

He then saw something else.

Timmy: I can even see the beach.

Mr. Turner: You can even ride your bike there.

Mrs. Turner: Beats walking.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Mrs. Turner: I wonder who that could be?



Mr. Turner: Maybe it's our new neighbors.



The door opened and the Turners saw somebody.

Mrs. Turner: Why hello.

Who they saw was a lady with brown hair and wearing a beige long-sleeved shirt, green pants, and cyan flats and a teenage girl age 14 with waist-length blonde hair and braces and wearing a bright pink shirt with a light green necklace, dark blue jeans, and purple shoes.

Brown Hair Lady: Hello, you must be the new neighbors.

Mrs. Turner: Why yes, we are.

Brown Hair Lady: My name is: Helen Spitz, I'm a professional psychologist (introducing the blonde hair girl) and this is my daughter: Sharon.

Sharon: Nice to meet you.

Helen and Mrs. Turner shook hands.

Mrs. Turner: My name is--

A truck with a loud horn beeping passed the house.

Mrs. Turner: And this is my husband--

Another truck with a loud horn beeping passed the house.

Helen: Nice to meet you.

Mr. Turner (introduces Timmy): This is our son: Timmy.

Timmy: Hello.

Mrs. Turner (to Helen): Is Sharon your only child?

Helen: Oh, no, I have also 2 sons and 2 step-daughters.

Mr. Turner: Well, if we ever need someone to look over Timmy, you think Sharon can it?

Helen: Sure, I have her look after her step-sisters while me and husband are out.

Mrs. Turner: That would be great.

Helen: Would you like to come next door and meet my husband, sons, and step-daughters?

Mrs. Turner: Sure.

Mr. Turner (to Helen): I bet your husband will be a better neighbor than my old neighbor.

Helen: Why do you say that?

Mrs. Turner: He never did liked his old neighbor because he had better things than him and he wins at everything.

Helen: Oh.

Sharon: My step-dad's really nice.

Mr. Turner: Well, let's go see him.

They all walked over to the Spitz house.

Timmy (to Sharon): So, are you a good babysitter?

Sharon: Sure am.

Timmy: I hope I'm not being rude asking you this next 1, but you don't make kids do chores, do you?

Sharon: No, why do you ask?

Timmy: Because my old babysitter was just plan mean.

Sharon: How mean?

Timmy: Well, she made me do hard chores.

Sharon: Really.

Timmy: She made me go to bed early.

Sharon: Wow!

Timmy: And she called me a twerp.

Sharon: That's terrible.

Timmy: Yes, but she's out of my hair now.

Sharon: Well, don't worry, Timmy, I'm not like her.

Timmy: Well, that's good.

Sharon: Did your parents ever notice it?

Timmy: To tell the truth, no.

Sharon: Huh.

Timmy: And she's dating the older brother of 1 of my friends from my old town.

Sharon: Eww!

Timmy: I know and his parents disapprove of her.



Helen: Well, here we are.



As the door opened and the Turners, Sharon, and Helen entered, we 2 boys playing a video game on the tv. 1 boy was a teenager age 17 with brown hair and wearing a red sleeveless shirt over a white t-shirt with an orange collar, dark gray and white shorts, orange socks, and dark gray shoes. The other boy was 10 year old and has light brown hair and wearing a blue t-shirt with yellow lines on each sleeve and a blue collar, a dark gray belt, light gray pants, and dark gray shoes.

Helen (to the 2 boys): Josh, Adam, we got new neighbors.

The boys turned to their mother.

Adam (the oldest): Hello.

Helen (to the Turners): These are my sons: Josh and Adam.

Mrs. Turner (to Josh and Adam): Hello.

Josh: Nice to meet you.

Helen: They just moved here today.

Man's Voice: Hey, Helen.

We see a man with brown hair and wearing glasses, a dark gray business jacket over a light blue long-sleeve button-up shirt, a light pink tie with dark pink stripes, cyan pants, and dark gray shoes.

Helen: This my husband: David.

David (to the Turners): You must be the new neighbors.

Mr. Turner: We sure are.

Mrs. Turner: We just moved here today.

Sharon: Like I said David is our step-dad.

Timmy: Where's your biological dad?

Josh: He's still around.

Adam: And a musician.

Timmy: Really?

Sharon: That's right.

Helen: Yes, we don't see him often, but he determined to be the best father he can be.

Mr. Turner: That's what I'm trying to do for Timmy.

Timmy (to his dad): Just don't overdue it.

We see 2 twin girls age 5 with brown hair in brunettes (1 pink, the other green) and wearing glasses, dark gray sweaters, green spender-pants, and purple shoes running and laughing.

David: These are my 5 years olds, Lara and Sara.

Mrs. Turner: They're so cute.

Sharon: Yeah, but they mostly drive me crazy.

Helen: Sharon, be nice.

Mr. Turner (to Helen): So what do your 2 sons do?

Helen: Adam loves wrestling and his goal is to become and astronaut.

Mr. Turner (to Adam): Watch any WWE Wrestling?

Adam: Sure do.

Helen: And Josh is an aspiring pianist.

Mrs. Turner: Like Mozart?

Josh: Yes, I play a little of that.

David (to Mr. and Mrs. Turner): So why'd you move here?

Mr. Turner: Well, my wife and I got some job offerings.

Timmy: And in order for them to work here and we had to move here.

Sharon (to Timmy): You must miss your old friends.

Timmy: I sure do.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Mr. Turner: Who's that?

They went over to the door, opened it, but there was nobody there.

Mrs. Turner: There's nobody here.

David: Oh, there's gonna somebody in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

And at 1, a proof of purple smoke appeared and revealed a man with green hair, green eyes, and wearing a white shirt with black tie, black pants, and black shoes and a lady with pink hair, pink eyes, and wearing a yellow shirt, black pants, and black shoes. The lady also holding a baby with adorable purple eyes, purple pajamas, and slippers. Also with them is a yellow dog with a big blue nose, orange fur on top of his head and orange ears.

Man and Lady (in unison): Hey, new neighbors.

Baby: Poof, Poof.

Mr. Turner: Wow! That's quite an appearance.

Helen S: These are the Cosmas: Cosmo and Wanda and their baby: Poof and their dog: Sparky.

Poof: Poof, Poof.

Timmy: I can see why he's named that.

David: And they're magic.

Timmy: Really?

Wanda: We can prove it. (to Cosmo) Cosmo if you please.

Cosmo: Sure, honey.

Cosmo went up to Timmy.

Cosmo: What's this in your ear?

He reached to Timmy's ear and out came a nickel.

Cosmo: It's a nickel.

Timmy: Wow! You are magic.

Mr. Turner: Yeah, but isn't it suppose to be a quarter?

Wanda: Well, he likes nickels.

Timmy: My friend: T.D. from my old town did a magic show for his cousin's birthday once.

Cosmo: He did?

Wanda: What did he do?

Timmy: May an elephant disappear.

Cosmo and Wanda (in unison): Wow!

Wanda: We entertain for parties too.

David: They did a show for Lara and Sara's birthday once.

Timmy: Did they like it?

David: Yup.

Lara and Sara laughed.

Cosmo: And there's something you should know about Sparky.

Timmy: What's that?

Cosmo (to Sparky): Sparky speak.

Sparky: Hello, new neighbors.

The Turners gasped.

Mrs. Turner: I don't believe it.

Mr. Turner (to Sparky): You can talk?

Sparky: I sure can.

Timmy: Wow! That's amazing. Believe or not, 1 of my friends from our old town has a talking dog.

David: Really?

Adam: How does their dog talk?

Mr. Turner: She eats alphabet soup.

Sparky: Well, dude, that's not how I talk.

Mrs. Turner: How do you talk?

Sparky: Probably from a science experiment or maybe magic.

Helen S: Believe it or not, some of the animals in this town can talk.

Mrs. Turner: How does that happened?

David: Well, like Sparky said from a science experiment or maybe magic.

Timmy: So far, this town has 5 things related to our old town.

Mr. Turner (to Timmy): What's that, son?

Timmy: Neighbors who are magic like my friend: T.D., (to Cosmo and Wanda) which is you guys.

Poof: Poof.

Timmy: A family with a baby, (to Cosmo and Wanda) which is also you guys.

Wanda: Amazing.

Timmy: Another 1 of my friends from our old town has a baby brother.

Helen S: Is that so?

Timmy (to Helen S): And she has the same name you have.

Helen S: Wow!

Timmy: A family with a talking dog, (to Cosmo and Wanda) also you guys.

Sparky: Well, can you prove that the dog from your old town can talk?

Timmy: Sure, my friends from my old town will come and visit sometime during and you'll get to meet her.

Mr. Turner: I've been keeping count. Magic neighbors like T.D. Is 1, a family with a baby is 2, a professional psychologist with the same name as your friends from Wagstaff is 3, a family with a talking dog is 4.

David: Wagstaff, that's your old town, huh.

Mr. Turner: That's Right.

Mrs. Turner (to Timmy): What's number 5?

Timmy (pointing to Sharon): A babysitter.

Sharon (whispering to Timmy): But not mean.

Timmy (whispering): Right.

David (to Timmy): So how do you like this town so far?

Timmy: Pretty good, I even like my new room with a view of the ocean.

Sharon: And we're close to the beach too.

Wanda (to Timmy): I bet you like the beach.

Timmy: I sure do.

Adam: Unless you're into surfing.

Timmy: Huh?

Josh (to Adam): That I agree with you.

Helen S (to the Turners): Well, would you all like to stay for dinner?

Mrs. Turner: Sure.

Mr. Turner: Me too.

Timmy: Count me in.

Helen S: Okay then, I'm gonna get the table set.

Mrs. Turner: I think I'll give you a hand.

Mr. Turner (to Timmy): Timmy, me, David, and Cosmo are gonna help the ladies with dinner.

Cosmo: So would you and Sharon watch Poof for us?

David: Could you watch Lara and Sara too?

Timmy: Sure.

Sharon: No problem.

Cosmo: Thanks.

Cosmo gave Poof to Sharon.

Sharon (to Timmy, Poof, Lara, and Sara): Come on, let's go to my room.

They walked upstairs.

Timmy: So, Sharon.

Sharon: Yes.

Timmy: What do your brothers have against surfing?

Sharon: Trust me, you don't want to know.

Timmy had a worried look on his face.



The Turners came into the house.

Mrs. Turner: Well, that was delicious.

Timmy: Sure was.

Mrs. Turner notice the worried look on Timmy's face.

Mrs. Turner (to Timmy): Are you okay, son? You look worried.

Timmy: I have a feeling this town has something against surfing.

Mr. Turner: What makes you say that?

Timmy: Well, first I saw big waves, but no surfers and then I heard Sharon's brothers say some bad things about it.

Mrs. Turner: Oh!

Timmy: Then I asked Sharon what they got against surfing and answered that I don't want to know. I'm worried.

Mr. Turner: Well, like I said earlier, son, maybe some surfers were taking a break.

Mrs. Turner: And maybe those 2 Spitz boys aren't into surfing.

Timmy: Yeah, maybe.

Mrs. Turner: We'll your father and I are gonna get ready for bed.

Timmy: Well, I'm not sleepy yet, I'm gonna unload some of my stuff and then read some comic books.

Mr. Turner: Okay, son.

Mrs. Turner: Just don't stay up too late.

Mr. Turner: Not if you want to get an early start at the beach tomorrow.

Timmy: You read my mind.

Mrs. Turner: I know you've been dying to go to the beach.

Timmy: I sure have. Well, good night.

He walked to his room.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner (in unison): Good Night, son.



We see Timmy coming in his room and he went to the window again.

Timmy: Wow! The Ocean sure does look beautiful at night.

He then went to 1 of his boxes, opened it and got out a comic book in-titled: “The Crimson Chin”.

Timmy (sighs): Nothing like reading a Crimson Chin comic before going to bed.

The camera pans over to the window and we see the moon.

This is a fan movie I thought of, I was planning to have it as a comic fan movie, but I didn't had the time to do it, maybe I'll make it a comic next year. Anyway, Timmy Turner is the star of the fan fic where he and his parents move to a beach town where nobody has surf the waves in years, so he gonna try to get the surf back to the town with the help of other cartoon characters.

Cast of Characters:

Timmy Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Turner






Chester McBadbat


Trixie Tang

Veronica Tidwell


Sharon Spitz

Helen Spitz

Adam Spitz

Josh Spitz

Maria Wong

Alden Jones

Connor MacKenzie

Nina Harper

Christy and Veronique Kidman

Richard Spitz

Brock Leighton

Alyson Malitski

Kim Possible

Ron Stoppable


Bonnie Rockwaller

James Timothy Possible

Ann Possible

Jim and Tim Possible

Joss Possible

Danny Fenton

Sam Manson

Tucker Foley

Jazz Fenton

Jack Fenton

Maddie Fenton

Valerie Gray

Paulina Sanchez


Betty Barrett

Noah Parker

Regeena Peterson

Penelope Lang

Chaz Lang

Duncan Paine

Chip and Dalton Osborne



Jonesy Garcia

Caitlin Cooke

Wyatt Williams

Jen Masterson

Jude Lizowski

Nikki Wong

Tricia Holmes


Courtney Masterson

Diego and Robbie Garcia

Jade Lizowski

Jake Long

Fu Dog

Spud Spudinski

Trixie Carter

Haley Kay Long

Olivia Mears


Jonathan Long

Susan Long

Brad Morton

Stacey Wintergrin



Johnny Test


Susan and Mary Test

Hugh Test

Lila Test

Gil Nexdor

Sissy Bladely

Jillian Vegan

Eugene “Bling-Bling Boy” Hamilton

Bumper Randalls

Phineas Flynn

Ferb Fletcher

Candace Flynn

Isabella Garica-Sharpio

Baljeet Tjinder

Carl Karl





Adyson Sweetwater

Ginger Hirano

Lawrence Fletcher

Linda Flynn-Fletcher

Stacy Hirano

Jeremy Johnson

Buford Van Stomm

Vanessa Doofenshmirtz

Jenny Brown

Charlene Doofenshmirtz

Suzy Johnson

Roger Doofenshmirtz

Irving Du Bois

Django Brown


Monty Monogram

Martha Lorraine

Skits Lorraine

Helen Lorraine

T.D. Kennelly

Alice Boxwood


Truman Oatley

Milo Lee

Mariela Lorraine

Daniel Lorraine

Nelson Boxwood

Polly Boxwood


Ronald Boxwood

Jake Lorraine

Tiffany Blatsky

C.D. Kennelly


O.G. Kennelly

Janice Kennelly

Mrs. Eulah Damson

Mrs. Clusky

Lucille Lorraine

Bernie Lorraine

Mrs. Parkingson

Mr. and Mrs. Oatley

Terrence Lee


Bea Goldfishberg




Albert Glass

Jumbo Shrimp




Jocktopus Ludwig Vandenbush

Randy Pincherson

Steve Jackson

Bo Gregory


Dan and Ann Chovie

Pass, Punt, and Fumble


Dudley Puppy

Kitty Katswell




Now, I started writing this script since 2012 and that was before Suddenlink eliminated the Viacom networks from their line-up. Plus, I'm posting this now since we're at a year ending with my favorite number and there is a 4th of July party at the end of this movie and I want to get this completed before the 4th of July.

I don't own any of the cartoon characters in this fan fiction, they belong to their rightful owners. But 3 characters that appear later in the fan fic, I do own.

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